Women’s Health


We offer full service gynecology, and can take care of most gynecologic issues. We offer the latest office procedures for contraception, as well as abnormal pap management and abnormal bleeding management. We also perform surgery at Adams County Regional Medical Center, and Anderson Mercy hospitals ranging from minimally invasive surgery to complete hysterectomy.

Abnormal Bleeding

Abnormal vaginal bleeding is a common problem that has many different causes. We will take a detailed history and based on your age and history will decide what testing you need. Generally you will have an ultrasound, blood count and thyroid check or other testing, if necessary. Then we will discuss a treatment plan with you in detail. Treatments for this problem can be medical with hormones/birth control or with a minimally invasive surgery occasionally it will require major surgery.

Abnormal Pap Management

The Pap smears in our office are done according to recommended guidelines. Management is also by standard guidelines. If you have an abnormal Pap a Colposcopy is often recommended.


Colposcopy is viewing your cervix and vagina with magnification. We may apply a vinegar or iodine solution to identify abnormal tissue. At this time we may also take a sample of any abnormal identified tissue

Annual Examinations

This is a comprehensive exam to review your entire medical history focusing on any gynecologic issues. We will discuss prevention, screening and treatments. Screening tests that we offer are typically dependent on your age. We can do the Pap test and screen for sexually transmitted infections . We can also send you for health maintenance screening for blood sugar, cholesterol , vitamin D level, thyroid, osteoporosis screening (dexa) and mammogram.

Birth Control

We offer comprehensive contraception services in the office.

Implantation of Contraception Rod in Arm

Nexplanon is the most effective method of birth control unless you use abstinence. After a small amount of anesthesia, this rod is inserted in the arm much like started an IV. Side effects of abnormal uterine bleeding similar to “the shot” are common.

Intramuscular Contraception

“The shot”, Depo-Provera, is very effective and is given every three months. It works differently than the pill in that there is no estrogen with this method. It is often associated with abnormal bleeding especially in the first 6-9 months but eventually you may cease to have cycles at all. This type of contraception has been associated with reversible bone loss.

Intrauterine Contraceptives

IUDs are devices that are placed in your uterus by a doctor in the office. Some IUDs use progesterone for contraception and lasts for up to six years. The Paragard IUD has Copper and can be used for 10 years. Placement is similar to a pap smear but a little more uncomfortable. We use with a local anesthetic. If you have complications or want the IUD out prior to its life expectancy, we can take it out at any time in our office. We have information about these IUDs in the office. You should be on your period on the day of insertion.

Oral Contraceptives (birth control pills)

There are many different choices on the market. They ALL provide contraception when taken correctly. These have a daily dosing schedule.

Permanent Contraception

We usually do this using a laparoscopy. You come to the hospital and must have general anesthesia (“going to sleep”). Two small holes are placed in your abdomen and through these incisions the fallopian tubes are cauterized.

Transdermal Contraceptive

“The Patch” this works similarly to “the pill” but has some different side effects and weekly dosing schedule.

Vaginal Contraception

“The Ring” is more effective than the pill since you don’t have to take a pill every day. It has lower side effects, because the medicine is absorbed from your vagina. The ring is inserted vaginally by you and lasts for one month. You insert the ring; it’s easier than a tampon. This is a great contraception for those who have trouble remembering to take a pill every day.


Infertility is defined as being unable to become pregnant after trying for one year. An in-depth history and physical will be done and special testing. Referral to an infertility specialist may be done when indicated.

Menopausal Evaluation & Treatment

Menopause occurs when you no longer have eggs in your ovaries. There are many changes in hormone levels and changes in your body. Hormone replacement therapy is not right for everyone, but will definitely benefit some. We treat each patient on a case-by-case basis making decisions with you based on your symptoms, medical issues and family history. We will also evaluate and treat you for osteoporosis/osteopenia (low bone mass).

Other Women’s Health Issues

There are also many other gynecologic issues that we care for that were not mentioned, but we welcome you to discuss any issues or questions you may have at your appointment, if it is something that we do not take care of we could certainly point you in the right direction.